How to WRAP the roof by yourself – 4D Carbon Fiber

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How to WRAP the roof by yourself on a Toyota Corolla TUTORIAL.

On this video, I used the 4D Carbon Fiber Vinyl.
First get the right size sheet to wrap the roof. The size I am using is 5′ x 6′ Carbon fiber sheet.
The brand of the vinyl that I used for this video is very sticky so that’s why I had to cut the backing paper on the center and stick it little by little.

Step 1: clean very good the whole roof and edges and remove the edge plastic like in the video.
Step 2: Then cut the backing paper on the center like in the video. Do not cut the vinyl.
Step 3: place the vinyl on the roof and stick on the center area but make sure that the vinyl is in the center and that you will have enough for all edges.
Step 4: start peeling the backing paper 1 side at the time like in the video and stick the vinyl  evenly little by little (see video)
(use Heat gun or hair dryer if it is necessary to get rid of wrinkles)
Step 5: with the squeegee tuck all way around the edges in, so that the edges will look clean all the way inside, like a Pro!
Step 6: Cut Edges, take your time!
Step 7:  put rubber trims back and enjoy!

For first time installers, I do recommend using 3M or Avery vinyl that is easier to reposition the material and less sticky.

Films & Tools list:
5D carbon Fiber Vinyl (gloss)
4D carbon Fiber Vinyl (semigloss)
3D carbon Fiber Vinyl (matte)
Felt Edge Squeegee
Magnets 2 pieces
Heat Gun (optional)

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